Pustak Mahal “I need your urgent response on this”

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Pustak Mahal "I need your urgent response on this"

From: Antonio Domingo
Subject: I need your urgent response on this

Message Body:
Dear Friend,
My names are Mr. Antonio Perez Domingo, a lawyer base in Madrid Spain. I have previously sent you an email regarding a transaction of US$13.5 Million left behind by my late client before his tragic death but no response from you.
However, I am contacting you with strong believe that you will work /partner with me to execute this business transaction in good faith. Please if you are interested in proceeding with me, kindly respond to me via my private email domingo@dpagbogado.com for more detailed information.
As a matter of fact, this transaction is 100% risk free and I look forward to your acknowledgement.
Antonio Perez Domingo,
TEL: + 34 910 604 214
Mobil: +34 610 654 778
Fax: + 34 919 011 786
E-mail domingo@dpagbogado.com

This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Pustak Mahal (http://pustakmahalbolpur.com)