[Wordfence Alert] pustakmahalbolpur.com Wordfence Deactivated

This email was sent from your website “Pustak Mahal” by the Wordfence plugin at Tuesday 2nd of February 2021 at 03:30:17 PM
The Wordfence administrative URL for this site is: http://pustakmahalbolpur.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=Wordfence
A user with username “pustakmahalbolpur” deactivated Wordfence on your WordPress site.
User IP:
User hostname:
User location: New Delhi, India

NOTE: You are using the free version of Wordfence. Upgrade today:
– Receive real-time Firewall and Scan engine rule updates for protection as threats emerge
– Real-time IP Blocklist blocks the most malicious IPs from accessing your site
– Country blocking
– IP reputation monitoring
– Schedule scans to run more frequently and at optimal times
– Access to Premium Support
– Discounts for multi-year and multi-license purchases

Click here to upgrade to Wordfence Premium:

To change your alert options for Wordfence, visit:
To see current Wordfence alerts, visit:

No longer an administrator for this site? Click here to stop receiving security alerts: http://pustakmahalbolpur.com/?_wfsf=removeAlertEmail&jwt=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ImluZm9AcHVzdGFrbWFoYWxib2xwdXIuY29tIiwiX2V4cCI6MTYxMjg4NDYxN30.mK_x2Y6-WOjag3339Wi3S5uT4wtogyfiLD2NogHMQVk